Our new church building is now complete–and we showed it off to the community on Sunday, January 31. More than 400 people attended the event! We ate and laughed and enjoyed seeing the miracle God has accomplished here.

It was a full house at the Dedication Worship Service.

Pastor Guillermo Banuet led the Spanish-language portion of our Dedication service.

Pastor Ross Arnold gave the English-language sermon at our Dedication Service.

Our children’s choir was VERY enthusiastic.

We had food donated from 19 different local restaurants!

The church provided food, too.

We laughed with the clown.

This enormous cake was made of more than 250 cupcakes! It was beautiful–and tasty,
What a beautiful church you all have now. God has provided abundantly.
May you continue to follow His lead and your teaching and preaching will continue to encourage and inspire all those He brings. Prayers for many more who will come seeking hope and redemption.
Joy, Peace and Blessings to you,
Pamela Bryant